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Flavor Descriptors for radish
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - radish
FL3-(methyl thio) propyl mercaptoacetate
 odor: radish nutty meaty fatty salad creamy
 flavor: radish
FL radish flavor
Secondary (Second) - radish
 odor: ethereal horseradish green radish chrysanthemum vegetable tropical fruity
 flavor: green radish vegetable rummy truffle oily resinous
FL radish isothiocyanate
 odor: Rooty, pungent, vegetative, sulfureous and horseradish-like
 flavor: Vegetative, radish-Iike with sulfureous, earthy and metallic nuances
Tertiary (Third) - radish
FL2-furyl acetone
 odor: caramellic fruity spicy radish
 flavor: green burnt radish
FL1-(methyl thio)-2-butanone
 odor: fresh radish, mustard, horseradish and wasabi like with alliaceous onion and savory metallic and vegetative nuances.
 flavor: sulfurous, cabbage and radish, horseradish, toasted onion and dairy like nuances
FL thialdine
 odor: sulfurous nutty hazelnut corn meaty earthy clam
 flavor: sulfurous green onion radish garlic cooked onion earthy brothy
Quaternary (Fourth) - radish
FL allyl sulfide
 odor: Pungent, sulfurous, onion-garlic and horseradish-like with a metallic nuance
 flavor: Sulfurous, onion-garlic and vegetative radish-like with a slightly hot nuance
FL/FR hexyl (E)-tiglate
 odor: sweet caramel green walnut oily radish
 flavor: Green, sweet pear with vegetative nuances of radish, potato and mushroom
FL/FR shoyu pyrazine
 odor: Raw nutty and green pepper
 flavor: Musty, raw, slight nutty, slight radish
Quinary (Fifth) - radish
FL/FR(Z)-leaf acetal
 odor: green violet natural green leaf mushroom earthy
 flavor: Green, vegetative, grassy, musty and radish-like with a fruity nuance
 odor: floral hyacinth green narcissus foliage radish honey sweet pea
 flavor: green floral chrysanthemum spicy radish hyacinth foliage honey
Senary (Sixth) - radish
FL/FR acetaldehyde dipropyl acetal
 odor: fresh green chrysanthemum leafy herbal
 flavor: green leafy vegetable cortex asparagus radish
FL/FR2-phenyl propyl tetrahydrofuran
 odor: fruity green fatty cucumber skin nasturtium galbanum woody nut skin
 flavor: fatty fruity green nasturtium privet radish sappy cortex tea
Septenary (Seventh) - radish
Octonary (Eighth) - radish
FL/FR benzaldehyde dimethyl acetal
 odor: green earthy rooty nutty vegetable spinach potato fungal almond winey
 flavor: green earthy rooty nutty potato fungal turnup radish
FL/FR(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl methyl carbonate
 odor: natural floral absolute violet green leaf waxy apple
 flavor: green tropical waxy floral leafy apple violet radish nasturtium
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