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Odor Descriptors for verbena
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - verbena
FR abronia fragrance
FL/FR citronellyl benzoate
 odor: verbena rose dryed rose petals
 lemon verbena oil
 odor: citrus lemon herbal
 lemon verbena oil turkey
 odor: citrus lemon herbal
FR ocimum americanum leaf oil
 odor: verbena green aromatic basil
FL/FR verbena absolute france
 odor: Green, tea-like, hay, herbal with a sweet citrus nuance
 flavor: Sweet, lemon, citrus, spice, waxy, with a hay-like nuance
FL/FR verbena absolute spain
FR verbena fragrance
FL verbena oil france
 odor: citrus verbena lemon
 flavor: verbena
FL verbena oil morocco
 odor: verbena lemon
 flavor: verbena
FR verbena oil replacer
 odor: citrus lemon
FL/FR verbena oil spain
 odor: powerful fresh lemon herbal
 flavor: verbena
FL/FR verbena oil terpeneless
 odor: fresh lemon citrus
 flavor: verbena
FR verbena specialty
 odor: verbena
Secondary (Second) - verbena
FL/FR heptyl phenyl acetate
 odor: strong lemongrass sweet verbena foliage
Tertiary (Third) - verbena
FR coconut lime verbena fragrance
FL/FR rhodinyl propionate
 odor: rose geranium verbena
 flavor: almond
Quaternary (Fourth) - verbena
Quinary (Fifth) - verbena
FL/FR phenyl amyl alcohol
 odor: floral carnation rose lemon verbena
Senary (Sixth) - verbena
Septenary (Seventh) - verbena
Octonary (Eighth) - verbena
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