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Flavor Descriptors for shellfish
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - shellfish
FLfried crab flavor
FL shellfish flavor
Secondary (Second) - shellfish
FL crab extract
 flavor: crab
FL lobster extract
 flavor: lobster
FL lobster flavor
FL seafood flavor
Tertiary (Third) - shellfish
FL clam extract
FL clam flavor
BBQ lobster flavor
FL oyster flavor
FL shrimp flavor
Quaternary (Fourth) - shellfish
FL pyrrolidine
 odor: Ammonia, fishy, shellfish and seaweed-like
 flavor: Ammonia and fishy amine-like with seaweed and shellfish nuances
Quinary (Fifth) - shellfish
Senary (Sixth) - shellfish
Septenary (Seventh) - shellfish
FLdextro,laevo-3-(methyl thio) butanone
 odor: sulfurous milky oily potato earthy fatty
 flavor: milky creamy potato baked potato oily baked shellfish brown
Octonary (Eighth) - shellfish
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