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Flavor Descriptors for umami
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - umami
FL5'-adenylic acid sodium salt
 flavor: savory umami
FL disodium adenosine 5'-phosphate
 flavor: savory umami
 flavor: umami sweet salty brothy bouillon
 flavor: umami sweet salty savory
FL umami enhancers
 flavor: umami
FL umami flavor
Secondary (Second) - umami
FLN-(2,3-dimethoxybenzyl)-N2-(2-(pyridin-2-yl)ethyl) oxalamide
 flavor: savory umami
FL(R)-N-(1-methoxy-4-methyl pentan-2-yl)-3,4-dimethyl benzamide
 flavor: savory umami milky
Tertiary (Third) - umami
FL mushroom flavor
FL3-[3-(2-isopropyl-5-methyl cyclohexyl)ureido]-butyric acid ethyl ester
 flavor: salty metallic umami
Quaternary (Fourth) - umami
FL faex extracts
 odor: Sweet, brothy, yeasty, meaty, pork, chicken and ham with a roasted and umami note
 flavor: Cheesy, brothy, strong yeasty umami note with a bready and meaty nuance
FD saccharomyces cerevisiae extract
 odor: Sweet, brothy, yeasty, meaty, pork, chicken and ham with a roasted and umami note
 flavor: Cheesy, brothy, strong yeasty umami note with a bready and meaty nuance
Quinary (Fifth) - umami
Senary (Sixth) - umami
FL lamb flavor
Septenary (Seventh) - umami
 odor: mushroom earthy green oily fungal raw chicken
 flavor: Mushroom, earthy, fungal, green, oily, vegetative, umami sensation and savory brothy
Octonary (Eighth) - umami
FL tomato distillates
 flavor: tropical tart acidic green fruity vegetable earthy umami
FL tomato flavor
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