Typical G.C. analysis

mentha x piperita oil russia
40.171,8- cineole
30.68  limonene
1044.46  menthol
92.00neo menthol
616.77  menthone
723.45iso menthone
83.75  menthyl acetate
10.80alpha- pinene
20.69beta- pinene
121.08 piperitone + piperitenone
110.99  pulegone
52.29(E)- sabinene hydrate

E. B. Kirichenko, L-D. Ky and V. A. Mel’nikov, Essential oil composition of some Vietnanese mint varieties. Byull. GI, Bot. sada, 154, 56-69 (1989).

P&F 22, No. 4, 57, (1997)

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