PubMed:Ice barriers promote supercooling and prevent frost injury in reproductive buds, flowers and fruits of alpine dwarf shrubs throughout the summer. |
PubMed:Essential and non-essential elements in natural vegetation in southern Norway: Contribution from different sources. |
PubMed:Simulated climate change impact on summer dissolved organic carbon release from peat and surface vegetation: Implications for drinking water treatment. |
PubMed:Characterisation of the aroma profiles of different honeys and corresponding flowers using solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/olfactometry. |
PubMed:Functional Relationships with N Deposition Differ According to Stand Maturity in Calluna-Dominated Heathland. |
PubMed:In vitro studies on the mechanisms involved in chemoprevention using Calluna vulgaris on vascular endothelial cells exposed to UVB. |
PubMed:Diversity of fungi associated with hair roots of ericaceous plants is affected by land use. |
PubMed:Flammability properties of British heathland and moorland vegetation: models for predicting fire ignition. |
PubMed:Chemometrics as a tool of origin determination of Polish monofloral and multifloral honeys. |
PubMed:Management-driven evolution in a domesticated ecosystem. |
PubMed:How does pollen chemistry impact development and feeding behaviour of polylectic bees? |
PubMed:Anthelmintic effect of heather in goats experimentally infected with Trichostrongylus colubriformis. |
PubMed:Combining microtomy and confocal laser scanning microscopy for structural analyses of plant-fungus associations. |
PubMed:Morphological and molecular analyses of fungal endophytes of achlorophyllous gametophytes of Diphasiastrum alpinum (Lycopodiaceae). |
PubMed:Inertia in an ombrotrophic bog ecosystem in response to 9 years' realistic perturbation by wet deposition of nitrogen, separated by form. |
PubMed:In vitro effect of heather extracts on Trichostrongylus colubriformis eggs, larvae and adults. |
PubMed:AFLP-based genetic mapping of the "bud-flowering" trait in heather (Calluna vulgaris). |
PubMed:Conditional cold avoidance drives between-population variation in germination behaviour in Calluna vulgaris. |
PubMed:In vitro effect of heather (Ericaceae) extracts on different development stages of Teladorsagia circumcincta and Haemonchus contortus. |
PubMed:Photochemoprotective effect of Calluna vulgaris extract on skin exposed to multiple doses of ultraviolet B in SKH-1 hairless mice. |
PubMed:Plant species dominance shifts across erosion edge-meadow transects in the Swiss Alps. |
PubMed:Antimicrobial activity of different Finnish monofloral honeys against human pathogenic bacteria. |
PubMed:Screening of plants used in Danish folk medicine to treat depression and anxiety for affinity to the serotonin transporter and inhibition of MAO-A. |
PubMed:The legacy of nitrogen pollution in heather moorlands: ecosystem response to simulated decline in nitrogen deposition over seven years. |
PubMed:Triterpenoid profile of flower and leaf cuticular waxes of heather Calluna vulgaris. |
PubMed:Soil acidification occurs under ambient conditions but is retarded by repeated drought: results of a field-scale climate manipulation experiment. |
PubMed:Accumulation and transfer of 137Cs and 90Sr in the plants of the forest ecosystem near the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. |
PubMed:Calluna vulgaris extract modulates NF-κB/ERK signaling pathway and matrix metalloproteinase expression in SKH-1 hairless mice skin exposed to ultraviolet B irradiation. |
PubMed:Long-term nitrogen additions increase likelihood of climate stress and affect recovery from wildfire in a lowland heath. |
PubMed:Recurring weather extremes alter the flowering phenology of two common temperate shrubs. |
PubMed:Malformation of gynoecia impedes fertilisation in bud-flowering Calluna vulgaris. |
PubMed:Diet selection and performance of cattle and horses grazing in heathlands. |
PubMed:Evaluation of long-chain alcohols as diet composition markers in goats grazing heathland areas. |
PubMed:Evidence for acidification-driven ecosystem collapse of Danish Erica tetralix wet heathland. |
PubMed:Photoprotective effect of Calluna vulgaris extract against UVB-induced phototoxicity in human immortalized keratinocytes. |
PubMed:A methodological approach to evaluate arsenic speciation and bioaccumulation in different plant species from two highly polluted mining areas. |
PubMed:Does forest fragmentation affect the same way all growth-forms? |
PubMed:Chemopreventive effects of Calluna vulgaris and Vitis vinifera extracts on UVB-induced skin damage in SKH-1 hairless mice. |
PubMed:Mechanisms of purple moor-grass (Molinia caerulea) encroachment in dry heathland ecosystems with chronic nitrogen inputs. |
PubMed:Interactive effects of drought, elevated CO2 and warming on photosynthetic capacity and photosystem performance in temperate heath plants. |
PubMed:Photoprotective effects of two natural products on ultraviolet B-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in SKH-1 mouse skin. |
PubMed:Effects of elevated CO₂, warming and drought episodes on plant carbon uptake in a temperate heath ecosystem are controlled by soil water status. |
PubMed:Long-term effects of single potassium fertilization on 137Cs levels in plants and fungi in a boreal forest ecosystem. |
PubMed:Bio-indicators of nitrogen pollution in heather moorland. |
PubMed:Direct and indirect effects of ammonia, ammonium and nitrate on phosphatase activity and carbon fluxes from decomposing litter in peatland. |
PubMed:Litter evenness influences short-term peatland decomposition processes. |
PubMed:'Who's who' in two different flower types of Calluna vulgaris (Ericaceae): morphological and molecular analyses of flower organ identity. |
PubMed:Arbutin content and antioxidant activity of some Ericaceae species. |
PubMed:The distribution of (137)Cs, K, Rb and Cs in plants in a Sphagnum-dominated peatland in eastern central Sweden. |
PubMed:Activity of Scottish plant, lichen and fungal endophyte extracts against Mycobacterium aurum and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
PubMed:Assessment of very long-chain fatty acids as complementary or alternative natural fecal markers to n-alkanes for estimating diet composition of goats feeding on mixed diets. |
PubMed:137Cs in a raised bog in central Sweden. |
PubMed:Bone lead levels and lead isotope ratios in red grouse from Scottish and Yorkshire moors. |
PubMed:MAO-A inhibitory activity of quercetin from Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull. |
PubMed:Increasing litter species richness reduces variability in a terrestrial decomposer system. |
PubMed:Influence of altitudinal variation on the content of phenolic compounds in wild populations of Calluna vulgaris, Sambucus nigra, and Vaccinium myrtillus. |
PubMed:Implementation of a model for identifying Essentially Derived Varieties in vegetatively propagated Calluna vulgaris varieties. |
PubMed:Gully hotspot contribution to landscape methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes in a northern peatland. |
PubMed:Interactions among fungal community structure, litter decomposition and depth of water table in a cutover peatland. |
PubMed:Interactive effects of nitrogen deposition and fire on plant and soil chemistry in an alpine heathland. |
PubMed:Evaluation of anilinopyrimidine and other fungicides for control of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) in container-grown Calluna vulgaris. |
PubMed:Nitrogen deposition increases the acquisition of phosphorus and potassium by heather Calluna vulgaris. |
PubMed:Reduced nitrogen has a greater effect than oxidised nitrogen on dry heathland vegetation. |
PubMed:Stress responses of Calluna vulgaris to reduced and oxidised N applied under 'real world conditions'. |
PubMed:The ecological aspect of ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology of population in Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
PubMed:Growth responses of low-alpine dwarf-shrub heath species to nitrogen deposition and management. |
PubMed:Diversity of fungi in hair roots of Ericaceae varies along a vegetation gradient. |
PubMed:Short- and medium-term effects of experimental nitrogen fertilization on arthropods associated with Calluna vulgaris heathlands in north-west Spain. |
PubMed:Bioassay-guided isolation of kaempferol-3-O-beta-D-galactoside with anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activity from the aerial part of Calluna vulgaris L. |
PubMed:Application of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry metabolite profiling techniques to the analysis of heathland plant diets of sheep. |
PubMed:Competing conservation goals, biodiversity or ecosystem services: element losses and species recruitment in a managed moorland-bracken model system. |
PubMed:Phosphorus supply influences heathland responses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition. |
PubMed:Determining diet composition on complex swards using n-alkanes and long-chain fatty alcohols. |
PubMed:Bio-availability of tungsten in the vicinity of an abandoned mine in the English Lake District and some potential health implications. |
PubMed:Use of multiplex terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism for rapid and simultaneous analysis of different components of the soil microbial community. |
PubMed:Heavy metal dispersion, persistance, and bioccumulation around an ancient copper mine situated in Anglesey, UK. |
PubMed:Do competition and herbivory alter the internal nitrogen dynamics of birch saplings? |
PubMed:Phosphatases of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi: kinetic properties and the effect of copper on activity. |
PubMed:Off-season uptake of nitrogen in temperate heath vegetation. |
PubMed:Classifying honeys from the Soria Province of Spain via multivariate analysis. |
PubMed:Decline of acid-sensitive plant species in heathland can be attributed to ammonium toxicity in combination with low pH. |
PubMed:Effects of increased deposition of atmospheric nitrogen on an upland Calluna moor: N and P transformations. |
PubMed:The role of food plant and pathogen-induced behaviour in the persistence of a nucleopolyhedrovirus. |
PubMed:Retrospective biomonitoring: a hundred years of environmental pollution at selected areas in Slovakia. |
PubMed:Can the foliar nitrogen concentration of upland vegetation be used for predicting atmospheric nitrogen deposition? Evidence from field surveys. |
PubMed:Copper resistance of Calluna vulgaris originating from the pollution gradient of a Cu-Ni smelter, in southwest Finland. |
PubMed:Phylogeny and taxonomy of root-inhabiting Cryptosporiopsis species, and C. rhizophila sp. nov., a fungus inhabiting roots of several Ericaceae. |
PubMed:Screening seeds of Scottish plants for antibacterial activity. |
PubMed:Leaching from organic matter-rich soils by rain of different qualities: I. Concentrations. |
PubMed:Chloroplast DNA diversity in Calluna vulgaris (heather) populations in Europe. |
PubMed:Strategies for nematode transmission: selective migration of Trichostrongylus tenuis infective larvae. |
PubMed:A European pest to control a new zealand weed: investigating the safety of heather beetle, Lochmaea suturalis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) for biological control of heather, Calluna vulgaris. |
PubMed:Exclusion of grass roots from soil organic layers by Calluna: the role of ericoid mycorrhizas. |
PubMed:Genetic characterization of heather (Calluna vulgaris (L.) hull) subject to different management regimes across great britain |
PubMed:Structure of the Microbial Communities in Coniferous Forest Soils in Relation to Site Fertility and Stand Development Stage. |
PubMed:Allozyme variation and genetic structure of calluna vulgaris (heather) populations in scotland: the effect of postglacial recolonization |
PubMed:Patterns of allozymic variation within calluna vulgaris populations at seed bank and adult stages |
PubMed:Effect of simple phenolic compounds of heather (Calluna vulgaris) on rumen microbial activity in vitro. |
PubMed:An evaluation of ratio systems in radioecological studies. |
PubMed:Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of some Swedish medicinal plants. Inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis and PAF-induced exocytosis. |
PubMed:The variability in fallout content of soils and plants and the design of optimum field sampling strategies. |
PubMed:Deposition of fixed atmospheric nitrogen and foliar nitrogen content of bryophytes and Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull. |
PubMed:Quercetin 3-[triacetylarabinosyl(1-->6)galactoside] and chromones from Calluna vulgaris. |
PubMed:Caesium radioactivity in several selected species of honey. |
PubMed:Inhibition of lipoxygenase activity and HL60 leukemic cell proliferation by ursolic acid isolated from heather flowers (Calluna vulgaris). |
PubMed:Characterization of ursolic acid as a lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase inhibitor using macrophages, platelets and differentiated HL60 leukemic cells. |
PubMed:Effects of topography on caesium-137 in montane peat soils and vegetation. |
PubMed:Atmospheric deposition and canopy exchange processes in heathland ecosystems. |
PubMed:Deposition of atmospheric ammonia to moorlands. |
PubMed:A Calluna vulgaris extract 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor shows potent antiproliferative effects on human leukemia HL-60 cells. |
PubMed:A survey of the antibacterial activity of some New Zealand honeys. |
PubMed:Seasonal variation of soil-to-plant transfer of K and fallout 134,137Cs in peatland vegetation. |
PubMed:Measurements on retention and transfer characteristics of radiocaesium from poor quality upland soils to heather and from heather to sheep. |
PubMed:The origin of urinary aromatic compounds excreted by ruminants. 4. The potential use of urine aromatic acid and phenol outputs as a measure of voluntary food intake. |
PubMed:Allelopathic potential ofErica vagans, calluna vulgaris, andDaboecia cantabrica. |
PubMed:A comparison of the voluntary intake and digestion of a range of forages at different times of the year by the sheep and the red deer (Cervus elaphus). |
PubMed:Urinary quinol and orcinol outputs as indices of voluntary intake of heather (Calluna vulgaris L. (Hull)) by sheep. |
PubMed:The digestion of heather (Calluna vulgaris) by red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus). |
PubMed:[Determination of orthodiphenoloxidase activity of Calluna vulgaris L. twigs]. |
PubMed:[Pharmacognosia of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull (common heath) of the northeast region of Spain]. |
PubMed:[Studies on the mucus of Calluna vulgaris Hull]. |