Articles: PubMed:Chemical composition and antifungal activity of essential oil from Cicuta virosa L. var. latisecta Celak. PubMed:Seed longevity and germination characteristics of six fen plant species. PubMed:[Study on chemical constituents from Cicuta virosa var. latisecta]. PubMed:[Research on the original plants of Gou-wen and Ye-Ge--and the herbological thoughts of Jin]. PubMed:[Child poisoning after ingestion of a wild apiaceae: a case report]. PubMed:[Poisonous and less poisonous plants. Conium maculatum and Cicuta virosa]. PubMed:[Microscopic and TLC identification on the fruits of ten species plants for Umbelliferae]. PubMed:[Recent plant poisoning in ruminants of northern and eastern Germany. Communication from the practice for the practice]. PubMed:Virol A, a toxic trans-polyacetylenic alcohol of Cicuta virosa, selectively inhibits the GABA-induced Cl(-) current in acutely dissociated rat hippocampal CA1 neurons. PubMed:Exploring the structural basis of neurotoxicity in C(17)-polyacetylenes isolated from water hemlock. PubMed:Effects of cicutoxin and related polyacetylenes from Cicuta virosa on neuronal action potentials: a comparative study on the mechanism of the convulsive action. PubMed:Cicutoxin from Cicuta virosa--a new and potent potassium channel blocker in T lymphocytes. PubMed:Polyacetylenes from water hemlock, Cicuta virosa. PubMed:New aspects in the treatment of water hemlock poisoning. PubMed:[Poisoning due to water hemlock (Cicuta virosa)]. PubMed:[Morphological and anatomical study of the underground organs of water hemlock (Cicuta virosa L.)]. PubMed:[Intoxication with Cicuta virosa]. PubMed:[Cicuta virosa poisoning in 6 children]. PubMed:Flavonoids compounds in Cicuta virosa L. fruits. PubMed:[Poisoning by Cicuta virosa in children]. PubMed:[Positive results after acute poisoning by Cicuta virosa]. PubMed:Psycho-pathological test on animals by reserpine and Cicuta virosa, according to the homeopathic laws of analogy and identity. PubMed:[Cicuta virosa poisoning]. PubMed:[On pharmacology of Cicuta virosa]. PubMed:[The use of medicated sleep in poisoning with Cicuta virosa L]. PubMed:[Therapy of poisoning with Cicuta virosa in animals]. PubMed:[Cicuta virosa poisoning]. PubMed:[Study of the toxic principles of Oenanthe crocata L. and of Cicuta virosa L]. PubMed:[Water hemlock (Cicuta virosa) poisoning; report of two cases]. PubMed:[Water hemlock (Cicuta virosa L.) most dangerous poisonous plant in Norway].