Articles: PubMed:Communities of endophytic sebacinales associated with roots of herbaceous plants in agricultural and grassland ecosystems are dominated by Serendipita herbamans sp. nov. PubMed:[Polar lipid pool modification in leaves of hoary plantain (Plantago media L.) plants during their light adaptation under natural conditions]. PubMed:Photoprotection by carotenoids of Plantago media photosynthetic apparatus in natural conditions. PubMed:[Some radiobiological effects in higher plants growing at the territory of the East Ural radioactive trace]. PubMed:Testing spatial theories of plant coexistence: no consistent differences in intra- and interspecific interaction distances. PubMed:Adaptive survival mechanisms and growth limitations of small-stature herb species across a plant diversity gradient. PubMed:Differential responses of antioxidative enzymes and lipid peroxidation to salt stress in salt-tolerant Plantago maritima and salt-sensitive Plantago media. PubMed:Localization of deposited polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in leaves of Plantago. PubMed:Kinetic analysis of the K(+)-selective outward rectifier in Arabidopsis mesophyll cells: a comparison with other plant species. PubMed:[Biological activity and structure of antitumor compounds from Plantago media L]. PubMed:Pollen calendar of the city of Salamanca (Spain). Aeropalynological analysis for 1981-1982 and 1991-1992. PubMed:Kinetic analysis of two simultaneously activated K+ currents in root cell protoplasts of Plantago media L. PubMed:Patch clamp analysis of the dominant plasma membrane K+ channel in root cell protoplasts of Plantago media L. Its significance for the P and K state. PubMed:Patch clamp studies on root cell vacuoles of a salt-tolerant and a salt-sensitive plantago species : regulation of channel activity by salt stress. PubMed:Bi-phasic composition of trans-root electrical potential in roots of Plantago species: involvement of spatially separated electrogenic pumps. PubMed:[Phytochemical and microbiological control of some plant species used in folk medicine. II. Plantago lanceolata L., Plantago media L., Plantago major L].