Articles: PubMed:Cascading effects of a highly specialized beech-aphid-fungus interaction on forest regeneration. PubMed:Meteorological influences on stemflow generation across diameter size classes of two morphologically distinct deciduous species. PubMed:Community-specific impacts of exotic earthworm invasions on soil carbon dynamics in a sandy temperate forest. PubMed:Mature beech trees (Fagus grandifolia; Fagaceae) are persistently clonal in coves and beech gaps in the Great Smoky Mountains. PubMed:Facilitative effects of group feeding on performance of the saddleback caterpillar (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae). PubMed:Physical and chemical properties of some imported woods and their degradation by termites. PubMed:Evaluation of digital photography for quantifying Cryptococcus fagisuga (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae) density on American beech trees. PubMed:Thirty-two years of change in an old-growth Ohio beech-maple forest. PubMed:Biochar mitigates negative effects of salt additions on two herbaceous plant species. PubMed:Indirect effects of pandemic deer overabundance inferred from caterpillar-host relations. PubMed:Phenological variation in the composition of a temperate forest leaf tie community. PubMed:Comparisons of protein profiles of beech bark disease resistant and susceptible American beech (Fagus grandifolia). PubMed:The influence of moisture content variation on fungal pigment formation in spalted wood. PubMed:Foliar δ15N is affected by foliar nitrogen uptake, soil nitrogen, and mycorrhizae along a nitrogen deposition gradient. PubMed:Multi-decadal drought and amplified moisture variability drove rapid forest community change in a humid region. PubMed:Morphological and molecular identification of the ectomycorrhizal association of Lactarius fumosibrunneus and Fagus grandifolia var. mexicana trees in eastern Mexico. PubMed:Anticipation and tracking of pulsed resources drive population dynamics in eastern chipmunks. PubMed:Utilizing pigment-producing fungi to add commercial value to American beech (Fagus grandifolia). PubMed:A new species of Lactarius (subgenus Gerardii) from two relict Fagus grandifolia var. mexicana populations in Mexican montane cloud forests. PubMed:Bolete diversity in two relict forests of the Mexican beech (Fagus grandifolia var. mexicana; Fagaceae). PubMed:Host density drives the postglacial migration of the tree parasite, Epifagus virginiana. PubMed:Codominance of Acer saccharum and Fagus grandifolia: the role of Fagus root sprouts along a slope gradient in an old-growth forest. PubMed:Two Lactarius species associated with a relict Fagus grandifolia var. mexicana population in a Mexican montane cloud forest. PubMed:Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 May 2009-31 July 2009. PubMed:Large-scale synchrony of gap dynamics and the distribution of understory tree species in maple-beech forests. PubMed:Leaf litter species evenness influences nonadditive breakdown in a headwater stream. PubMed:Sim4cc: a cross-species spliced alignment program. PubMed:Influences of a calcium gradient on soil inorganic nitrogen in the Adirondack Mountains, New York. PubMed:Do interspecific differences in sapling growth traits contribute to the co-dominance of Acer saccharum and Fagus grandifolia? PubMed:Unexpected presence of Fagus orientalis complex in Italy as inferred from 45,000-year-old DNA pollen samples from Venice lagoon. PubMed:Agricultural legacies in forest environments: tree communities, soil properties, and light availability. PubMed:Plant and soil natural abundance delta (15)N: indicators of relative rates of nitrogen cycling in temperate forest ecosystems. PubMed:Forest vegetation monitoring and foliar chemistry of red spruce and red maple at Acadia National Park in Maine. PubMed:Photosynthetic responses to understory shade and elevated carbon dioxide concentration in four northern hardwood tree species. PubMed:Effects of aqueous extracts from leaves and leaf litter on the abundance and diversity of soil gymnamoebae in laboratory microcosm cultures. PubMed:Patterns of molecular and morphological differentiation in Fagus (Fagaceae): phylogenetic implications. PubMed:Osmotic potential of several hardwood species as affected by manipulation of throughfall precipitation in an upland oak forest during a dry year. PubMed:Leaf phenology, photosynthesis, and the persistence of saplings and shrubs in a mature northern hardwood forest. PubMed:Survival and development of Lymantria monacha (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) on North American and introduced Eurasian tree species. PubMed:Does canopy position affect wood specific gravity in temperate forest trees? PubMed:Hypersensitivity to common tree pollens in New York City patients. PubMed:Dendrochemical analysis of lead and calcium in southern Appalachian American beech. PubMed:Ice storm damage and early recovery in an old-growth forest. PubMed:Landscape ecosystem classification in the Cherokee National Forest, east Tennessee, U.S.A. PubMed:A community classification system for forest evaluation: Development, validation, and extrapolation. PubMed:Formation of cis-coniferin in cell-free extracts of Fagus grandifolia Ehrh bark. PubMed:Sensitivity of red oak (Quercus rubra L.) and American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) seedlings to sodium salts in solution culture. PubMed:Exclusive accumulation of Z-isomers of monolignols and their glucosides in bark of Fagus grandifolia. PubMed:A requirement for sucrose in xylem sap flow from dormant maple trees. PubMed:Criconema proclivus n. sp. (Nematoda: Criconematinae) from Woodlands. PubMed:First-Year Breakdown of Leaf Litter in Southern Appalachian Forests.